we want your project to be a success...

MDO Consulting, LLC is based in the Mid-Willamette Valley of Oregon with projects ranging from Monitoring and Control Systems for Recreational Vechicles ( RV's ) to Remotely Opperated Underwater Vechicles ( ROV's ).

Working with Embedded Microcontrollers from Intel, AMD, Dallas Semiconductor, Infineon, Atmel, Sharp, Phillips/NXP, Microchip, TI, STMicroelectronics and Freescale and  working with Software Tool-Chains from Watcom, Borland, Paradigme, Kiel, Code Sourcey and Atollic with GNU/GCC, Microchip, AVR Studio 4, WinAVR GNU/GCC and IAR Systems.

  1. Eat, Drink, Sleep and Dream Embedded Systems.
  2. Mobile Service, we can come to your site.
  3. Any location in Oregon, We Will Travel!!!